Discover how we increased our client’s sales by 76% and reduced the cost of customer acquisition by a whopping 94%, all whilst in lockdown. In this short case study, we take you behind the scenes and show you the difference in results between the ad campaign run by our client in June – August 2019, and the ad campaign run by The Marketing People from June – August 2020.
Read on or watch our short video below to see the mind-blowing results:
Our client was managing their ad campaign in-house and, whilst they were happy to be generating phone calls, the cost to get an inbound phone lead was £217.
We were approached by the client to see how we could reduce their cost of getting customers, without reducing the volume of enquiries.
The client could see they needed external help to improve results, by dedicating time to the campaign whilst they focused on running their business – a wise investment.
In our initial Google Ads review with the client, we delved deep into their business, looking at their products and services so we could target the cash-cow clients (the most profitable ones) first. Knowing the numbers in their business enabled us to identify areas where we could add value fast.
Whilst our Ads experts went under the bonnet of the campaign, our web design team looked at the website to see where we could increase the calls to action and generate leads.
The client’s sales process is by telephone, so the goal of the website and ad campaign was, and still is today, to get phone calls.
Once we reported the GAP Analysis to the client and showed them where improvements could be made, we agreed a step-by-step process that would generate more calls from the campaign, without rocking the boat.
Using our internal process, we changed the campaign bit by bit, always looking at efficiencies where possible.
As you can see in the diagram below, the KPIs show improvements across the board.
We took over the ad campaign at the beginning of June 2020 and, during the lockdown, we still managed to increase the performance of the ads, and much more.
We increased phone volume by 70%, and reduced the cost to get a customer by over 94%.
In addition to Google Search Ads, we also implemented a range of Brand Ads across websites that their customers visit, targeting the ideal client they wish to reach.
We delivered the company brand message and service offering to a group of people in the key geographical locations who are looking at similar products online, but haven’t yet been to our client’s website or called, thus getting a second bite of new customers at a fraction of the cost in search.
If you’re running your own marketing campaigns and you are looking for some help, we’d like to extend an invitation to speak to us and let our experts see where we can help you improve efficiencies, and get you customers more profitably.
You have nothing to lose, so book your free 15 minute call here or jump on the phone and call 01543 387047 to speak to the team today.
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