The Marketing Dogs: George Is Back To His Usual Self.

george is back to his usual self

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george is back to his usual self

Bonjour Humans,

It’s been a long time, I hope you’ve coped well without me.

As you may know a couple of weeks ago I had two operations, neither of which were particularly nice. Thankfully I was up to my eyeballs in painkillers, which made things very interesting and confusing. You know how weird Tramadol makes you feel. Try being a dog on Tramadol.

Me and Chops had last week off work, after Dad’s hand injury, which meant I spent the week sunbathing and sleeping, which really helped me get over my ordeal.

I’ve recovered well, at both ends, shame the dignity hasn’t recovered yet mind you. I also wanted to say thank you to those of you who asked about me and a big thank you to Morgan Signs & Design who sent me and Dad a lovely get well soon card. (I agree with you guys, dogs should be carried up escalators!)

I’ve now returned to work, which means all bins will be knocked over daily and Rob’s bin will be toppled at the very least five times a day.

In between all of that I’m covering for one of our designers, so I’m tackling some website visuals too.

Ah yes, I wanted to tell you something important about websites; it’s not all about the design you know, a website needs to be functional.

Functionality is more important than design; nothing puts a dog off a website like a great design but rubbish functionality. Oh and make sure it works well on iBones.

If you want your website to be designed from scratch or redesigned properly with design and functionality in mind, give us a call on 01543 387 047 and have a chat with us to find out what we can do for you.

On that note, it’s time to get back to spinning around on an empty chair or annoying Rob. (He doesn’t know that I live to knock his bin over)

Au revoir humans.



You can find more useful advice on how to maintain the best SEO in our blogs. Or if you need a helping hand to get you started, or run it for you, we can help. Call us today on 01543 495752 to see what we could do for your SEO.

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