The Marketing Dogs – March News

The marketing dogs March News

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The marketing dogs March News

Ahoj humans, Sammy here, we’ve seen lots of snow this month, so it’s been a few weeks of staying cuddled up for us Marketing Dogs.

I’ve moved around the office, and got a new desk, Chops helped me pick which one would be best, and thoroughly investigated a few options. We decided this one would be best as I get the best sun from two of the windows. Plus I get to keep a close eye on Lauren and Laurie.

Chops and Sammy on the desk

Even with the extra sunlight, it was still pretty cold, so mum gave me an extra blanket. The humans joke about me being a bit spoilt, but I don’t know what on earth they mean.

Sammy wrapped up in blanket

The cold weather has meant our daily commute from the office has been a little chillier than normal, which has meant coats for all of us! I’d much prefer to hide in bed then walk to work, but mum always ushers me out, and George and Chops motivate me to get going.

Sammy, George and Chops in coats

It was also mothers day in the last few weeks, so we gave mum lots of extra special cuddles, even if we do take over her chair, she knows we really love her.

Chops did give mum a bit of a scare though and had a funny turn. The nice vet has said everything is okay, and she’s racing around as normal, but I think poor mum still in shock!

Office wise we’ve been keeping the humans in check, and I’ve been perfecting my management style. I think I’ve got my stern managers look nailed to a tee. Though I’m not 100% on what sort of manager I want to be yet.

Sammy looking stern

As well as been stern, I have been rewarding hard work, as you can see here, I think Laurie really appreciated my thankful handshake.

Laurie and Sammy

I think George and Chopsies teachings have paid off, and I’m well on my way to being a manager. Though I still get a little too excited when the humans bring out tasty food, it seems to keep them entertained at the very least. I think they even put a video of me on Facebook.

Thanks for reading my very first blog post, George is strutting back on to the blog next time, so until then sbohem!

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