How many times have you tried to tackle your own marketing and ended up giving up after 10 minutes because something else in your business required your attention more? Don’t worry, you’re not alone.
Sometimes it can feel impossible to find the time to start an email campaign, or send off those leaflets that are now covered in an inch of dust on your desk, or even check on those ads you’ve had running in the background for months on end…
The point is, you’re good at running your business but we're good at marketing… so let’s join forces.
Don’t forget to plan time for marketing
In light of February being National Time Management Month, we thought this is the ideal opportunity for you to assess what’s going on in your business and plan in some time for marketing. As we do this all day every day, we know how much time this can take up, time you may not have yourself.
We know after years in the business that rushed marketing is very unlikely to be successful. Successful marketing that gets results takes time, experience and knowledge- luckily, that’s something we have plenty of! Don’t let your marketing take a back seat in 2021, why not let us take care of it whilst you focus on the things your business requires from you.
Our strategy
Over the years, we have developed a strategy to help clients identify the best way to use their marketing and budget. This comes as a part of our three-stage process. One fundamental step, but often the most forgotten step, is pre-marketing. If you don’t already know about our three marketing stages, check out this video from our Managing Director, David Mitchell (FCIM), where he simply explains how pre-marketing can stop you from wasting money on marketing that doesn’t work.
So, before you print those thousands of leaflets, or hit publish on your Google Ads, just take a second and think; “Why am I saying this message? Am I directing my customers to the right place to convert? And, is this what my target audience need or want to see in order to convert?” They can be hard questions to answer, we know.
A positive change for your business
There is a lot of change going on in the world right now, so why not turn this change into a positive one for you and your business. We can help you take a step back and look at your business goals and direction to ensure your branding and positioning is appropriate for the market you’re in. This will help you to utilise your budget effectively and engage in marketing that works.
We know marketing may not be your top priority, but it should be one of your business’s priorities. Let us take the job off your hands and see what growth we could make for your business.